
Space battles galaxy world of warships
Space battles galaxy world of warships

space battles galaxy world of warships space battles galaxy world of warships

While critical important to Trek history, it cannot be included because we never see it. However, we only see a brief moment of it in the series premier to DS9 and the aftermath in TNG. One of the most dramatic battles in Star Trek history was the Battle of Wolf 359 and there are some that suggested that I include it on the list. Some key moments in those franchises were not included like the first encounter with the Jem Hadar that resulted in the first combat loss of a Galaxy class starship, the first combat use of the Defiant, the Battle of Section 001, and the Battle of Proxima III. So, that meant that I had to boil down to the core of the battle scenes in those franchises. This list could be packed with examples from Star Trek, B5, Stargate, and Star Wars, but that would be not fair or representative of the wider realm of sci-fi combat in the visual medium. When it came to works that contain a vast amount of sci-fi combat sequences, like Trek or Wars, the decision was much tougher. Others were chosen for their gut reaction that had caused me to say: “I need a towel and a cigarette” afterwards. Some of these were chosen for the historical importance and/or impact on the sci-fi as whole such as the Battle of Yavin IV from A New Hope and HALO 3: Landfall.

space battles galaxy world of warships

These were tough choices and the FWS community helped me out to narrow down the massive amount of choices that exist in the whole of visual science fiction. Of course, I could not include every suggestion and I had to cut a few that I wanted to include, but the list could not be 50 or 100 examples. After some posts on the Twitter and the Facebook to get the input of the FWS community, I came up with a list of the top 25 sci-fi combat scenes. Quite recently, I was thinking of space battle scenes in sci-fi while watching an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise on cable and decided it was high time FWS rank the top sci-fi combat scenes in the visual medium. When most think of science fiction combat scenes from sci-fi on TV, in anime, video games, or in popular films they imagine those large-scale space battles with starships trading colorful bolts of killer light. Today, tales of space warriors battling among the stars with laser swords and ray-guns are commonplace within the realm of popular entertainment. That just who we are at our core and those primitive stories have been upgraded due to the progress of technology and scientific understanding to forge the genre of science fiction. Since the first hunting stories where told around a fire, humans have been captivated by tales of combat and heroism.

Space battles galaxy world of warships